Momentum Builders

From Day One - The continued encouragement, love and support from so many family and friend supporters: you know who you are!

July 11 - The Hamilton Spectator runs Page One story, "Planting for a Cure" : LINK.

July 14 - Niagara This Week, (Canada's largest weekly newspaper), runs Page One story, "Growing for a Cure" : LINK.

July 20 - PJ and Chuck Vermeer, Westbrook Floral, approve the use of their Plant #4 berm, corner of South Service Road and Durham Road, for the World's First Ribbon of Hope Garden!

July 22 - Rick Mason donates 14 yards of soil for World's First Ribbon of Hope Garden!

July 23 - Radio Interview CHAM 820 11:00 AM - Listen Live on AM820 in the Hamilton, Ontario area or via live streaming on your computer at LINK