Saturday, May 4, 2019

Marigold Right Bar PIC

Monday, September 19, 2011

Our Goal: $22,101
Buying a marigold in memory of a dearly departed Loved One is symbolic.
In fact, here is where all of your valuable dollars are headed. Pictured is the main piece of equipment we are going to purchase for Dr. Lichty and his McMaster research team. This equipment, along with many accessories will cost $22,101.
Let's commit and fund all of it! Go Team Hope!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Leukemia Cured in Clinical Tests!

Growing Fast!
This is how the garden looks today, August 11th, twelve days after the Planting Party on July 30th. To help thicken the plants and force them to produce more flowers we have, (sadly), been pinching off the main first flower they shoot out. We have pinched hundreds now, but instead of just 1,200 blooms this pinching could result in 6,000!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Love this Rain!!
Thank you God!
I can never remember being so thankful for rain! There has been nary a drop in the 11 days since we planted the garden. Hauling 150 gallons PER DAY to the site and watering each and every plant has been time-consuming.
BUT, there is a special feeling on that hill and the many who have taken up the maintenance LOVE every minute being there. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people who have lost the fight are there in spirit. You can feel them. I can sense Mum. It truly does feel like sacred ground.

Friday, August 5, 2011

CBC TV Interview Today
We had an hour long interview with Tiffany Foxcroft, Associate Producer, CBC Television today.
Tiffany produced the original TV segment we watched about Dr. Brian Lichty and the difficulties he continually faces in trying to raise funds for research equipment.
Tiffany hopes to upload a write up about the Ribbon of Hope Garden on the CBC web site. We will post that LINK if and when they do.
World Record Tied!
This afternoon another $200 was donated for one marigold, tying our claim for the highest price ever paid for one marigold plant! The Ribbon of Hope Garden rocks!